INTELEKSIA: Jurnal Pengembangan Ilmu Dakwah 2024-04-24T08:51:48+00:00 Sutriyono Open Journal Systems <p><strong>Inteleksia: </strong><strong>Jurnal Pengembangan Ilmu Dakwah (JPID)</strong> adalah jurnal ilmiah yang diterbitkan oleh STID Al-Hadid dengan fokus kajian pengembangan ilmu dakwah berbasis&nbsp; Islam Rasional Kebangsaan (IRK), meliputi bidang: manajemen dakwah, komunikasi penyiaran Islam, pengembangan/pemberdayaan masyarakat Islam, dan bidang dakwah lainnya. Inteleksia JPID terbit dalam format cetak dan online dengan nomor p-ISSN 2686-1178 dan e-ISSN 2686-3367. Jurnal ini diterbitkan oleh STID Al Hadid Yayasan Al Kahfi Surabaya, Jawatimur, Indonesia. Berdasarkan <a href="">SK Dirjen Diktiristek Nomor 79/E/KPT/2023</a>, tanggal 11 Mei 2023, Inteleksia JPID dinyatakan <a href=""><strong>Terakreditasi Peringkat 4 (SINTA 4)</strong></a> mulai volume 2 nomor 2 tahun 2021 sampai dengan volume 7 nomor 1 tahun 2026.</p> Rasionalitas Islam dalam Dakwah: Perspektif Normatif dan Historis 2024-03-01T08:59:56+00:00 Suwari Suwari Dedy Pradesa <p><em>Artikel ini bertujuan untuk melacak dan mendeskripsikan rasionalitas dalam Islam perspektif normatif dan historis. Pelacakan tersebut penting untuk mengukuhkan peran penting penggunaan akal dalam Islam sekaligus menjawab tuduhan bahwa rasionalitas Islam hanyalah tiruan atau adopsi dari pemikiran filsafat Yunani. Normativitas rasional Islam digali dari teks Al-Quran dan Hadis terkait penggunaan akal. Sementara historisitas rasional Islam digali sejak era Kenabian sampai kemajuan peradaban Islam yang tidak bisa dilepaskan dari kultur dan dinamika penggunaan akal. Metodologi studi adalah kualitatif kepustakaan dengan mengintegrasikan pendekatan normatif dan historis. Hasil studi menunjukkan bahwa rasionalitas dalam Islam memiliki basis normatif yang kuat. Hal tersebut dapat diindikasi dari perintah Iqra’ dalam wahyu pertama, terminologi akal dalam Al-Quran, serta berdasarkan hadis. Secara historis terbukti bahwa sejak semula di masa Kenabian, rasionalitas telah tumbuh dan terus berkembang menjadi basis kemajuan peradaban Islam. Implikasi teoritis studi ini semakin mengukuhkan bahwa rasionalitas Islam bersifat orisinal, sehingga selaras dengan semangat pembaruan pemikiran Islam.</em></p> 2024-01-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Suwari, Dedy Pradesa Strategi Dakwah Kultural Muhammadiyah Perspektif Teori Kompetensi Inti Organisasi 2024-03-01T09:00:52+00:00 Ahmad Nofal Abudi Della Vida Labibah <p><em>Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kompetensi inti Muhammadiyah dalam menjalankan strategi dakwah kulturalnya pada tahun 2000-2005 dengan menggunakan pendekatan teori Kompetensi Inti menurut C K. Prahalad &amp; Gary Hamel, serta Hirindu Kawshala. Latar belakang artikel ini karena adanya dinamika pada internal organisasi sehingga Muhammadiyah berupaya merumuskan kembali strategi dakwah kultural yang secara resmi dibahas pada Sidang Tanwir Muhammadiyah tahun 2002. </em><em>S</em><em>trategi dakwah kultural Muhammadiyah tersebut </em><em>tentunya </em><em>memiliki pijakan kompetensi inti organisasi Muhammadiyah. Sub</em><em>j</em><em>ek penelitian ini adalah Muhammadiyah, karena merupakan salah satu organisasi terbesar dan terlama yang ada di Indonesia. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah kualitatif Pustaka. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik dokumentasi dengan menggali beberapa dokumen organisasi Muhammadiyah</em><em>.</em><em> Dari kajian yang dilaksanakan, menunjukan bahwa strategi dakwah kultural Muhammadiyah memiliki berbagai bentuk diantaranya dakwah multimedia, dakwah era globalisasi, dakwah melalui </em><em>s</em><em>eni dan gerakan jamaah dakwah jamaah. </em><em>Strategi dakwah tersebut </em><em>bisa dilaksanakan secara efektif setidaknya ditunjang oleh </em><em>tiga</em><em> dimensi kompetensi inti yaitu sumber daya, kompetensi dan kapabilitas organisasi Muhammadiyah dalam berbagai bentuk kongkritnya.</em></p> 2024-01-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Ahmad Nofal Abudi Metode Penggerakan Al Fatih dalam Perspektif Teori G. Terry 2024-03-01T09:01:54+00:00 Anisah Nur Aini Anisa Soraya <p><em>Kesuksesan organisasi dakwah mencapai tujuan, salah satunya ditentukan oleh penggerakan SDM yang tepat mengarah pada tujuan organisasi. Dalam menggerakkan SDM dihadapkan pada situasi yang tidak selalu mudah, membuat SDM pesimis, takut, tidak semangat, kebingungan menjalankan tugas, menjadi hambatan bergerakknya SDM mengarah kepada tujuan, terlebih dihadapkan pada situasi sulit dan kondisi serba terbatas. Diperlukan metode penggerakan yang tepat pada SDM organisasi dakwah agar mereka mengarah pada tujuan. Berangkat dari kondisi tersebut, artikel ini mengulas akan kesuksesan metode penggerakan yang dilakukan Al-Fatih kepada pasukannya sehingga ia mampu menciptakan barisan koordinasi yang rapat, semangat pasukan yang stabil meski dalam situasi sulit. Kajian ini, menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif study pustaka dengan perspektif teori metode penggerakan G. Terry. Berdasarkan perspektif tersebut, Al-Fatih menerapkan pengarahan instruksional, motivasi produktivitas dan pemuasan kebutuhan yang diwarnai oleh spiritualitas/nilai-nilai Tauhid. Temuan ini memberikan sumbangsih pengkayaan metode penggerakan SDM pada organisasi dakwah yakni selain menekankan pada pengarahan dan motivasi, perlunya nuansa nilai dalam menggerakkan.</em></p> 2024-01-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Anisah Nur Aini Difusi Inovasi Dakwah Mushab Bin Umair di Madinah Sebelum Baiat Aqabah II 2024-03-01T09:02:18+00:00 Aris Kristianto Muhammad Faisal <p><em>Studi ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui difusi inovasi yang dilakukan oleh Mushab bin Umair dalam pemberdayaan pemikiran, yaitu penyebaran ajaran agama Islam tentang awal kewajiban salat Jumat di Kota Madinah. Latar belakangnya karena adanya anggapan pemberdayaan masyarakat selalu berdimensi materi. Sedangkan pemberdayaan masyarakat yang bersifat keagamaan dan keamanan seperti kesuksesan dakwah Nabi Muhammad di Madinah kurang mendapat perhatian. Metodologi studi adalah kualitatif pustaka, data dikumpulkan berdasarkan sumber kepustakaan yang mengkaji tentang penyebaran ajaran Islam oleh Mushab di Madinah sebelum baiat Aqabah II. Hasil studi menjelaskan bahwa peranan komponen sistem sosial yang mempercepat terjadinya proses difusi inovasi dakwah di Madinah yang dilakukan oleh Mushab bin Umair, satu diantaranya atas izin Nabi Muhammad dakwah perintah salat Jumat. Kesuksesan dalam penyebaran ajaran agama tersebut tidak terlepas dari seorang agen perubahan, yaitu Mushab bin Umair, satu tahun sebelum terjadinya baiat Aqabah II. Komunikasi antar pribadinya menghasilkan hubungan baik dan mendorong tokoh penting Madinah menyebarkan ajaran Islam ke kelompoknya. Penyelenggaraan awal salat Jumat memberikan peranan penting dalam mempercepat dakwah secara efisien karena langsung massal dan mengokohkan silaturahmi.</em></p> 2024-01-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Aris Kristianto Dakwah Pemberdayaan pada Program Rumah Gemilang Indonesia LAZNAS Al-Azhar 2024-02-28T06:54:54+00:00 Intan Amrina Rosada <p><em>This article discusses the formulation of the problem, how is the process of capacity building and empowerment carried out by the Rumah Gemilang Indonesia Institution? The aim is to find out the dynamics of the capacity building and empowerment process carried out by rumah Gemilang Indonesia. Because rumah Gemilang Indonesia Has successfully carried out the process of capacity building and empowering the youth who are their target students with indications that 90% of the alumni are already wrking. Both working in corporations and as entrepreneurs. This study uses a qualitative approach and the data collection method uses documents as data source. For the analysis usisng the theory of resource empowerment according to Wrihatnolo and Dwidjoowijoto. The result of the study show that the capacity building process is carried out by providing training to the target. The training provided is tailored to target abilities and current work needs. Empowerment is done by providing employment opportunities. Both by providing information on job vacancies, apprenticeships to partner companies, as well as recruitment by successful alumni of Rumah Gemilang Indonesia.</em></p> 2023-12-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Intan Amrina Rosada Peran Enabler Agen dalam Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Islam Agraris Tradisional: Studi Kasus Desa Karanganyar, Pacitan 2024-02-28T06:55:26+00:00 Charolin Indah Roseta <p><em>The phenomenon of da’wa through empowerment efforts in the context of traditional rural communities has its challenges, especially in creating social change. Previous studies have proven that agents' role is significant in community development by optimizing local assets owned. However, no one has reviewed how the enabler role is carried out in each stage of asset-based empowerment so that the social transformation process can be carried out efficiently. The head of Karanganyar village was able to carry out the role of initiator and thus create social change in his village through a tourism program called Kaliklepu. This study is oriented to analyze how the village head can optimize his enabler role in such a way that he succeeds in empowering villages that are plagued by pessimistic and inferior mental problems to become active and participatory communities. The approach used is a phenomenological study through observation and in-depth interviews with several key informants and is based on ABCD theory analysis. The findings show that the head of Karanganyar can play the enabler role by adjusting the social context at each stage of empowerment. At the defined stage, the dominant role is super personality and empathetic understanding, while communicating commitment and high enthusiasm can be a trigger for change at the discovery and dream stage. In the design and delivery stage, the dominant role is an attitude of integrity and coordinative communication.</em></p> 2023-12-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Charolin Indah Roseta Peran Agen dalam Difusi Inovasi Dakwah Bil Hal Sedekah Sampah Kampung Brajan, Yogyakarta 2024-03-01T09:03:48+00:00 Suciati Suciati Dwi Mayasari <p><em>Studi dilatar belakangi adanya pemberdayaan yang sukses dilakukan ustaz Ananto Isworo kepada masyarakat Brajan Yogyakarta melalui gerakan “sedekah sampah”. Warga merasakan dampak bersihnya lingkungan, dana beasiswa pendidikan untuk anak SD, SMP, bantuan warga sakit Rp. 500.000, dan semakin aktifnya kehadiran warga ke Masjid. Sebelumnya, kampung ini dikenal kampung hitam yang suka judi, minum – minuman keras, zina, dan jauh dari perilaku agamis. Kesuksesan proses mendifusikan inovasi “sedekah sampah”, dikarenakan kesuksesan mengenalkan ide program “sedekah sampah” ke warga secara personal dan jamaah, diterimanya nilai-nilai sedekah dan bahaya sampah bagi lingkungan, dan kemampuan memecahkan masalah keraguan mengelola sampah. Studi ini bertujuan menguraikan peran ustaz Ananto Isworo dalam mendifusikan inovasi ‘sedekah sampah’ di kampung Brajan. Metodologi yang digunakan adalah riset kualitatif, sumber datanya pustaka berupa buku profil ‘sedekah sampah’ dan video wawancara ustaz Ananto Isworo. Hasilnya, ustaz ananto berperan dalam keputusan kolektif yakni sebagai takmir yang memiliki legitimator untuk melakukan stimulator dan inovator dalam pelaksanaan pengumpulan dan pengelolaan sampah di masjid. Terhadap keputusan opsional, ustaz berperan mulai dari menumbuhkan kebutuhan masyarakat, memotivasi dengan keteladanan, dan mempertahankan dari kemacetan. Difusi inovasi ini menjadi contoh dakwah bil hal dengan melakukan pemberdayaan masyarakat melalui pengelolaan sampah yang berpusat di Masjid</em>.</p> 2024-01-08T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Suciati Suciati Dakwah Melalui Syi’ir: Alternatif Metode Dakwah pada Masyarakat Urban 2024-03-01T09:04:57+00:00 Agung Teguh Prianto <p><strong>DAKWAH THROUGH SYI'IR: ALTERNATIVE DAKWAH METHODS IN URBAN SOCIETY.</strong><em> Urban growth and the dynamics of urban society indicate significant changes in people's mindsets, lifestyles and values. This raises new challenges for the development of da'wah methods that can be relevant and effective in this complex and diverse urban society. One alternative method of da'wah that has emerged is the use of syi'ir, a form of Islamic literature that combines religious messages with aesthetic beauty. History proves that the acceptance of da'wah through syi'ir is able to change beliefs that have been rooted in Indonesian society for hundreds of years. Hindu and Buddhist beliefs have been replaced by embracing Islam through syi'ir preached by the Walisongo in Indonesia. This research method uses a qualitative approach with a library research design, this study will explore the phenomena of change in society caused by the acceptance of Islamic concepts with existing poetry approaches, as well as looking for historical data on how people can change their beliefs through syi’ir. The results of this research are to explore the potential&nbsp; to using syi'ir as a method of da'wah among urban communities. Analyzing the impact of syi'ir in forming religious understanding and moral values in urban society. As well as assessing the community's response and acceptance of da'wah through syi'ir</em></p> 2024-01-13T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Agung Teguh Prianto Psikologi Komunikasi dalam Dakwah Pemberdayaan: Studi Program Grameen Bank oleh Muhammad Yunus 2024-04-24T08:51:48+00:00 Sri Wahyuni <p><strong>COMMUNICATION PSYCHOLOGY IN EMPOWERMENT OF DAKWAH: A STUDY OF THE GRAMEEN BANK PROGRAM BY MUHAMMAD YUNUS.</strong><em> Communication psychology is able to explain the communication process by considering the psychological aspects of communicants. With communication psychology, subjects are able to predict communication responses so that communication can be effective. One of the success factors for the Grameen Bank program is the use of appropriate communication psychology by Muhamamd Yunus in empowering the women community in Jobra village. He is able to understand the psychological aspects of the empowered object so that he can communicate appropriately. Until he received an award, namely the Nobel Peace Prize in 2006. The aim of this study is to describe the Psychology of Communication in the preaching of empowerment: Study of the Grameen Bank Community Program in Bangladesh by Muhammad Yunus. The theoretical approach used is communication psychology theory. This study uses descriptive qualitative methods. The results of this study are that Muhammad Yunus communicates by considering various psychological aspects of the communicants (Jobra village women), including the need for security, namely wanting to get wages and work, on the other hand, their feelings of fear of borrowing money from Grameen Bank, while their knowledge of Grameen Bank like other financial institutions, it provides high interest rates, traditional purdah values, figure figures for certain figures. So that every verbal communication message raised by M. Yunus, whether rational, emotional, reward appeal, is very relevant to the psychological aspect of the communicant. The effect of applying communication psychology in empowering da'wah is that they become loyal Grameen Bank borrowers.</em></p> 2023-12-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Sri Wahyuni Faktor Psikologis dan Antropologis Penerimaan Umar Bin Khattab Terhadap Pemikiran Tauhid 2024-02-28T06:51:22+00:00 Sri Dewi Wulandari Rahma Imania <p><strong>PSYCHOLOGICAL AND ANTHROPOLOGICAL FACTORS OF UMAR BIN KHATTAB'S ACCEPTANCE OF TAUHID THINKING</strong>.<em> Mad'u's acceptance of Islamic preaching was influenced by anthropological and psychological factors. These two factors also influenced Umar bin Khattab in accepting the idea of monotheism. An understanding of these two factors can be a consideration in developing a da'wah approach that suits Mad'u's cultural and psychological conditions, so that da'wah will be more easily accepted. This study explains Umar bin Khattab's cultural and psychological factors behind his initial rejection and finally accepting the idea of monotheism. This study is library research through searching historical literature. The analysis uses a religious anthropology approach to understand the pagan culture that influenced Umar and Bandura's social agency theory to understand the dynamics of Umar's soul in the process of accepting monotheistic thinking. From this research, it is known that initially Umar experienced obstacles from the anthropological aspect in the form of tribal fanaticism, the urge to maintain the good name of the Bani Adi and the strong pagan-based values of maintaining social stability. However, through his love of poetry and the incident of reading Tahaa's letter, in the end, with his rationality, Umar was able to realize the truth of monotheistic thinking and overcome cultural challenges through a metacognitive process of self-reflection.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> 2023-12-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Sri Dewi Wulandari Memeta Tipe Sekulerisme Islam di Indonesia 1920-1945 Sebagai Landasan Dakwah 2024-02-29T01:46:51+00:00 Indrawati Indrawati <p><strong>MAPPING THE TYPES OF ISLAMIC SECULERACY IN INDONESIA 1920-1945 AS A BASIS OF DAKWAH.</strong> <em>The discourse on Islamic secularism in Indonesia is interesting to study from various points of view/approaches because of its debatable characteristics, including from a historical approach over a fairly long period of time. The focus of this study is to identify the type of Islamic secularism in Indonesia between 1920-1945, is it hard secularism or soft secularism? The study approach used is library research, while the theory uses Alfred Stepan's Twin Tolerance theory. This theory has the principle that there is never a clear separation of politics and religion, but rather the provision of space between the two sides of religion and politics in managing each other's affairs within certain limits, which has become known as twin tolerance. However, the priority of this study is to look at Islamic secularism from the political field only, but not religion because it requires its own focus. The results of the study show that from 1920-1945, the type of Islamic secularism found in Indonesia was hard secularism because the space for religious tolerance in regulating political affairs was quite limited.</em></p> 2023-12-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Indrawati Kelayakan Penyampaian Materi Dakwah Filsafat Ketuhanan Kepada Remaja Pendekatan Teori Perkembangan Kognitif 2024-03-01T09:05:36+00:00 Sutriyono Sutriyono Ahmad Hidayat Dedy Pradesa <p><strong>FEASIBILITY OF DELIVERING DIVINE PHILOSOPHY DAKWAH MATERIAL TO ADOLESCENTS APPROACH TO COGNITIVE DEVELOPMENT THEORY<em>.</em></strong> <em>This study examines the feasibility of delivering da’wah material about Divinity using philosophical and scientific approach to moslem teenage high school students. Its motivated by the problem of juvenile delinquency which requires Islamic divinity da’wah as a basia for teenage moral development. So far, the delivary of Islamic Divinity material has been mostly indoctrinative and normative approach. It couldn’t develop critical thinking in teenagers. Meanwhile, in society there was Atheism thought that used scientific theories as its argue. Da’wah of Islamic divinity using philosophical approach could be an alternatif to counter Atheism arguments and strengthening the faith of Muslim teenagers. How is the conveying da’wah material of philosophy Islamic divinity to teenagers? It would be approached using cognitive development theory. It method is qualitative research, data resouces using related literature and observations of da’wah activities to teenagers. The results showed that acoording to cognitive development theory delivering Islamic divinity da’wah material using philosophical and scientific approach is appropriate for teenage high school students. This is in line with the cognitive development of teenagers. Its also in line with material target, load, and content. The methods are relevant to the characteristics of teenagers. Its proven have positive social impact.</em></p> 2024-01-15T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Sutriyono sutriyono, Ahmad Hidayat, Dedy Pradesa