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Prophet Muhammad is an ideal example in the field of da'wah. This paper aims to analyze and describe the elements of the Prophet Muhammad's da'wah in the events of da'wah to his family, Bani Hasyim. This paper uses a qualitative approach to historical literature. In this paper, it is found that the elements of the da'wah of the Prophet Muhammad to his family of Bani Hasyim are the elements that were chosen appropriately according to the context of the events at that time. Prophet Muhammad was the right preacher for the Hasyim because he had close relations and was known to have good character and economic resources. Bani Hashim is the right mad’u because they are religious and respected by the Arab community. The Prophet rightly chose to invite the Hasyim people to a meal as a wasilah or a means of preaching. The Prophet chose correctly the material (maddah) and method (tariqah) of da'wah that was short and easy for his people to digest. All the elements of da'wah can work effectively, producing a da'wah effect (atsar) which is feedback from the da'wah carried out by the prophet. Atsar or the effect of the da'wah in the form of the attitudes and actions of the Hasyim people who protected the Prophet Muhammad from threats and attacks by infidels. Although most of the Bani Hasyim remained in their beliefs and did not embrace Islam. The protection of the Bani Hasyim for the Prophet Muhammad was very important to support the success of the preaching of the Prophet Muhammad in the days afterward, so that the teachings of Islam could be spread and accepted until now.